By Laura Farr Jane McGonigal predicates that there is a value to gamification – utilizing games to better society. With close to 160,000,000,000 hours spent on online gaming in the last year (15,000...
Read MoreCities are inherently engines of economic development. By their very nature, cities bring a diversity and critical mass of people, ideas, energy and material inputs into close contact to generate enor...
Read MoreBy Elisha Stam In September, I kept bumping my stroller into pylons that would NOT move on Locke St. South. What possible Public Works project could this be, right in the middle of “my” sidewalk? ...
Read MoreBy Paul Shaker Almost 10 years ago, former Finance Minister Paul Martin addressed the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) conference in Hamilton and proclaimed the need for a “New Deal for C...
Read MoreBy Joey Coleman Let’s take a drive. Start in the city of your choice. Your destination? Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. You’ve never been to Hamilton and have decided to see it for yourself. Le...
Read MorePittsburgh or Buffalo? Pondering the possibility of a future with much less steel (notwithstanding the settlement at US Steel and its apparent survival in the short term), Hamilton leaders would do we...
Read MoreBy David Premi In order for Hamilton to become more competitive as a destination, we have an increasingly urgent need to make our city more walkable and liveable. We know from extensive recent researc...
Read MoreBy Jamie Tennant Downtown renewal is exciting in concept, but watching it happen is like watching the proverbial paint dry. The pace is steady, but the movements are often so tiny they are barely perc...
Read MoreIt hides in plain sight, an airy specimen of ’70s architecture at the corner of King and James. It’s walls of windows look down at life on the street. But no one looks up. The address is not famou...
Read MoreThe time has come to take to the streets! I’m not actually referring to the type of ‘taking it to the streets’ permitted in section two of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Instead, I...
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