SoBi Hamilton is ready for you to bike the hammer
As a year-round cyclist, I get most excited when I can finally stop wearing mitts and a hat under my helmet and am accompanied by more friendly faces on their bikes, enjoying the streets of Hamilton.
Previously, I’ve lived in the Netherlands and Denmark. Two of the most cycle-centric countries in the world. So, when I moved to Hamilton, I kept biking. It was different in Hamilton, to say the least, but I quickly figured it out. I’ve learned which routes to take, met other amazing people passionate about riding their bikes and inspired others to try leaving their cars at home and hop on their bikes. Hamilton is lucky to have many amazing areas to bike, whether mountain biking, road biking, commuting, cruising, or riding around with your kids or grandkids. This spring, I challenge you to ride a bike on a trail, through an alleyway, on a bike lane, or through your neighbourhood as you make your way to the dentist, pick up a few groceries, visit a friend, check out a new restaurant, volunteer, or on your way to/from school or work. I hope you love it, I hope it reminds you of your childhood and I hope you do it again, and again and again.
If you’re not sure where to start or don’t have a bike that’s no problem. Hamilton has a bikeshare! SoBi Hamilton offers blue and white bikes all over the city and they’re affordable! A monthly membership will only set you back $15 and let you ride for 90 minutes a day. I use SoBi almost every day, I don’t have to worry about locking or maintaining my own bike, which I reserve for longer rides. Even if you don’t live in the SoBi area you can take a ride on the waterfront trail, try the new Bay Street bikes lanes or just cruise around with these basket-ed beauties. Ahead of Hamilton’s annual Bike to Work Day, we’ll be offering cycle training workshops and then group rides to get you to the main event at Hamilton City Hall. Mark your calendars for May 28th from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. This event celebrates and promotes cycling all across Hamilton and is open to all. I encourage everyone to join us for free food, entertainment, t-shirts, prizes, and much more. Wherever you’re headed on a Monday morning, make a stop at City Hall en route to show your support for cycling in Hamilton. Register starting May 1st at
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