Though COVID-19 lockdown measures and ongoing safety concerns continue to impact countless in-person events within the city, Doors Open Hamilton has pivoted to a special virtual format for 2021.
Doors Open Hamilton is an ever-popular annual event that gives locals rare access to some of the city’s most unique and striking buildings and landmarks, many of which carry fascinating and rich historical significance.
Get in-depth, behind the scenes tours of #HamOnt historic sites and museums this month with Digital Doors Open Hamilton! Step back in time without leaving your home with detailed virtual tours, fascinating stories, activities, and videos.
— #HamiltonHaltonBrant (@HeartofOntario) May 17, 2021
Naturally, with restrictions on in-person activities and the continued threats of the pandemic’s third wave, Doors Open Hamilton has had to find new ways of bringing the experience to residents digitally.
Tours, videos, and special activities are now available on the Digital Doors Open Hamilton website, featuring famous local sites like Auchmar Mansion, The Cotton Factory, Dundurn Castle, The Tivoli Theatre, Erland Lee Museum, the Playhouse Cinema, Lister Block, Balfour House, and many others.
The page for each local landmark comes with photos, virtual tours, information about the site’s history and architecture, and plenty of fun facts for all ages to explore and engage with.
For local history buffs and those curious to learn more about Hamilton’s heritage, Doors Open Hamilton promises a stimulating deep dive; even in an adjusted virtual format.
Check it all out for free on the Digital Doors Open Hamilton website!
Lead image courtesy of Doors Open Hamilton
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