Hamilton city councillors unanimously voted early May to fully review each recommendation set out in the Bay Area Climate Change Council (BACCC)’s report Options for Travel: Giving Residents a Real Choice.
This decision comes after the BACCC released their report calling on the councils of Hamilton and Burlington to address the barriers preventing residents from choosing environmentally-friendly transportation options.
The motion was moved by Ward 8 councillor J.P. Danko and seconded by major Fred Eisenberger at the General Issues Committee meeting on May 4.
“Hamilton city council’s review of the report is an important step to providing Hamilton residents a real choice in how they get around,” said Bianca Caramento, BACCC manager. “The solutions in this report would see our transportation system become more safe, reliable, convenient, and accessible for residents.”
The report includes over 30 measures, including expanding bike share operations, ensuring every road has sidewalks, better aligning local buses with GO train services, and improving bus frequency.
The BACCC is calling on Burlington to follow Hamilton’s lead and commit to fully reviewing the recommendations set out in the report.
For more information about the report, visit the BACCC’s website at bayareaclimate.ca
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