After years of construction, a highly-anticipated portion of Hamilton’s newly upgraded Confederation Beach Park has finally opened for the public to enjoy.
Phase 2 of construction on the project began last spring, which included a new fieldhouse, naturalized kid’s playground, two cricket batting cages, new parking for 290 vehicles, and new trail network path connections.
This is in addition to Phase 1’s upgrades which included a cricket field, pickleball courts, a multi-use soccer field and upgrades to North Service Road.
While the park was expected to be completed in November 2022, continuous delays made the exact opening date a moving target with no official date in place.
That all changed this past weekend when residents were both delighted and surprised to see all of the construction fencing removed with access to the entire park completely open for the first time post-construction.
This upgrade is the latest in a series of planned improvements to Confederation Beach Park which will soon see upgrades to Wild Waterworks, additional trail loops, improved beach access, and even several new proposed restaurant zones.
This new area — dubbed the Sports Park Gateway — is just a small portion of the 93-hectare City-owned Confederation Beach Park. It stretches along the Lake Ontario waterfront between the Hamilton Beach Strip and Grays Road in Stoney Creek along Van Wagners Beach Rd and North Service Rd.
The area is free to the public so if you fancy yourself a game of pickleball or want to gather your friends for a game of cricket — mixed in with scenic views of Lake Ontario — then you’ll definitely want to plan a trip to this beautiful new public amenity.
For more information on the upgrades to Confederation Beach Park, visit the City of Hamilton’s website.
Diana K
05.06.2023 7:56 pmGreat! (I didn’t know there was such demand for a cricket pitch, but know those Pickleball courts will be much used!!)
Marilyn Brown
07.06.2023 9:13 pmLooks like a big circle of grass lawn and a playground not that innovative and multiple tennis courts! Only Hamilton would take years to make it . Now I understand why new subdivisions have no parks or pedestrian leisure areas !
08.06.2023 5:58 pmNew subdivisions have no parks or playgrounds to maximize on developers profits.
07.06.2023 10:16 pmHamilton is a Diverse City
Some of us do enjoy cricket.
It’s an excellent idea
Thanks to the person. That was thinking as bout this innovation
06.06.2023 7:44 pmWould have been a great location for Ivor Wynne stadium, Homer Simpson moment
12.06.2023 2:05 amTotally agree
12.06.2023 5:05 pmAlways a naysayer online as it’s just so easy to be negative with that greater level of anonymity.
How about this- Rather than football fans enjoying the waterfront 10 times a year to attend a paid event, now all Hamiltonians can enjoy it 365 times a year. Al Pacino moment- OOO-AHHH!
29.08.2023 6:34 pmWas just there it’s an amazing park, so we’ll planned and safe for the little ones,
The cricket grounds are beautiful and the pickle ball looks like fun.
It’s a big beach. You can play beach volleyball for miles. Don’t understand all of that negativity
06.06.2023 9:02 pmCouldn’t have added some ball courts or tennis courts?
07.06.2023 12:02 amWhat is pickleball?
07.06.2023 4:51 pmFastest growing sport
08.06.2023 11:13 amWhy would you ask what picket ball is? You are using Google already are you not?
08.06.2023 1:06 pmIf tennis and ping pong had a child: that’s Pickle ball. Smaller court so it accommodates more courts, and therefore more players, than tennis on the same amount of land. It’s a faster action game, fun and a great cardio workout. This year I’ve driven twice to an indoor court in Grand Island NY (45 minutes from home). This summer it’ll be nice to play outdoors in the neighbourhood!
12.06.2023 2:01 pmI think this park is for all the new immigrants.
07.06.2023 2:28 amToo bad they bulldozed over the best beach volleyball league in Hamilton and anywhere remotely close in that park because the city council is absolutely ridiculous.
Susan A.
08.06.2023 6:05 pmI agree with you. It was a dirty truck the city did to create more parking.
09.06.2023 1:25 amI totally Agree and many others as well. Stupid move ! And the water park not opening. They stole the tax payers money.
07.06.2023 5:22 pmHow do you get to this park? Google took me via Confederation but the access is still blocked?
12.06.2023 11:31 amNorth Service Rd. Just west of the Grays Rd overpass.
A Citizen
07.06.2023 5:37 pmThis is barren and fucking ugly. Nice job spending billions of money that could have helped homeless people or gone to hospitals on this decimated and ugly piece of wiped out nature
09.06.2023 9:13 pmAgree! Looks strangely unwelcoming and unfinished.
Stay Home, A Citizen
12.06.2023 3:54 pmMaybe you should stay home then. You don’t sound very fun to hang out with at a park, anyway.
12.06.2023 5:09 pmHey “A Citizen” why not post your name/contact info? You bring up a good topic, and there are good answers. But doing it your way loses credibility.
13.06.2023 2:31 amI totally agree that for a such a beautiful location it seems to have been build totally out of context. So disappointed that architects are not better at building around the beauty and nature that already exists instead of decimating it 🙁
15.06.2023 6:13 pmHomeless people should stop doing drugs, and work. Then they can afford a home. I don’t want to hear the excuse, they hire anyone now.
07.06.2023 8:44 pmHow about housing the homeless and helping with the rental problem in this city..picketball !!! Who plays that?.waste of tax payers money….what a nice place for encampments to pop up…
08.06.2023 2:49 amCricket batting cages ? Really
08.06.2023 10:02 amcricket?…pickle ball?….no street hockey courts?….basketball courts????….waste of money
12.06.2023 11:33 amThere are ball hockey courts already up and running…cricket firkd can be used for baseball or soccer as well.
08.06.2023 11:11 amStrange how the cords that look like tennis courts apparently are not tennis courts.
08.06.2023 12:25 pmIt’s great to see cricket pitch in Halton zone. We will soon be booking with our team.
08.06.2023 5:40 pmAre they adding electric chargers for those new parking spots? Also where’s the small dog park that’s fenced in for under 10 pound dogs????? Or any dog park area? No basketball court?
09.06.2023 1:07 amThe sandbox volleyball was great. Alway full, loved and beach volleyball was perfect there. As for cricket, what a waste of money! Ridiculous for that great location and we are in Canada not GB!! Also, all the water parks have been open. It’s sad and a huge loss of income to let the Wild Waterworks go in disrepair when it was always packed and greatly enjoyed. You removed two of the best attraction . Wow. Not even tennis or a small area for Balch ball for seniors. Tax payers money should provide what we want Not you. Very disappointing!
09.06.2023 1:19 amI just saw a picture of children play area. Is that another one. They love the slides, swings , activity play area that’s there. . I hope you don’t remove it! I plan on going to check it out. Hope it’s not disappointing. Since you took away the water park, in this hot weather and long awaited after the covid shutdown! Real shame.
12.06.2023 11:35 amThe water park is being cleaned up and will re-open. Agree, timing sucks though!
29.08.2023 6:43 pmIt’s amazing. So well designed so many things for the children to do (toddlers very safe. Grounds are soft, no gravel. The cricket field is beautiful. Pickle ball courts look fun.
Please check it out. Was there today. Parking free.
09.06.2023 5:36 pmI guess you should just called it India park. Unbelievable city council you really need too give your head a shake. We have homeless families out there starving.i hope all us real hamiltonians stick together and not even show face at this Park it’s unbelievable it totally disgusting to know we have people out their families dying of hunger freezing of that and this is what they build a park like your water well waterworks has been packed for the last 30 years that I can’t remember the song has been opened always busy always making my volleyball great they take all the courts away I will not even give it a thought to go to the park that’s a ruining our beachfront
Periods Are Your Friends
12.06.2023 3:56 pmMaybe learning how to punctuate a sentence will make you feel better.
12.06.2023 4:14 amRidiculous we don’t need any pickleball courts or cricket fields or cages thanks for the ethnic sports we don’t need. Waste of our money
Ethnic Sports?
12.06.2023 3:57 pmWhat are ethnic sports?
Brian Lavery
12.06.2023 5:14 amLets see where they will waste our tax dollars next……LRT
William Crawford
12.06.2023 11:28 amWhere is barbecue area .
Stick your overpriced restraunts.
12.06.2023 3:00 pmLooks great. The pickle ball courts are packed all the time and it’s a great game for all ages!
12.06.2023 5:16 pmI dont play cricket or pickleball. I do play beach vball, hockey, baseball, and have a dog.
But you cant please everyone, and that’s OK! Lots of people are now playing cricket and pickleball. It’s still a beautiful area- and how lucky we are to live in a city and country where our complaint of the day is that we have so many choices of things to do. Anyone want to trade problems with people in Afghanistan, Ukraine or South Sudan?
13.06.2023 10:04 amDont let Hamilton Conservation run it.They will destroy it like everything else
13.06.2023 1:00 pmI guess no one knows what 12 pickleball courts sounds like yet.
Jelena Susnyar
13.06.2023 1:01 pmVery disappointing to read all of these comments from extremely unhappy Hamiltonians. Why didn’t the citizens of Hamilton have the opportunity to vote for some of these final decisions? Was there any research conducted regarding how many people wanted pickle ball courts vs tennis courts???
Just another hamiltonian
14.06.2023 11:13 amLots of pickleball courts is proof in its own that Noone had a say in any of it!!!! “Hey guys who’s up for a game of pickleball??” Said Noone! Ever! Haha
13.06.2023 4:08 pmWhy cricket and not a baseball field or a multipurpose field.
13.06.2023 11:36 pmIt is a shame that you didn’t let those amazing volleyball courts to stay there! Shame on the city.
don dagenais
14.06.2023 7:38 amabsolute shame what a waste of money it sickens me to see how city council just flushed our tax dollars down the toilet! It’s not even visually pleasing
20.06.2023 12:51 amYea beach means beach volleyball courts too bad I hope they put some courts in Hamilton piers north
04.07.2023 2:25 pmSeems to me like they could’ve fit in a few pickleball courts, while also keeping some beach volleyball courts… Also if Canadians move to Pakistan will they built them a skating rink? Asking for a friend…
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