The public is invited to provide their comments on six short-listed artists’ proposals for the new West Harbour GO Station on James Street North.
This public art project was initiated by and is partly funded by Metrolinx.
A jury of volunteer citizens, stakeholders and artists reviewed 34 artist submissions for a new permanent public art work to be installed in the plaza of the GO Station, just west of James Street. The jury short-listed six artist proposals for public consultation. Before the winning proposal is selected, the City of Hamilton is seeking public feedback.
Members of the public can learn more about the goal and themes for the project, review the artists’ proposals, select their preferred proposal and provide comments via the City website at by October 9, 2015 (please select the West Harbour GO Station link).
Proposals may be reviewed and comments can be provided in person at: Tourism Hamilton Information Centre, 28 James St. N. (The Lister Building), during regular hours, until October 9, 2015.
Comments collected will be provided to the citizen jury to be considered among other criteria such as artistic excellence, response to context, and technical issues in their determination of the winning proposal. These comments and a Jury Report will also be posted to the project webpage.
The winning artist will receive $75,000 for the fabrication of their work and delivery to the site.
About the City of Hamilton’s Public Art Program
The City defines public art as art created by artists, or in collaboration with artists, through a public process and existing on publicly owned and accessible property. Public art helps strengthen the city’s visual identity, stimulates the economy, and enhances tourism and community pride. Since 2010, the City’s public art program has received over 175 artist proposals, consulted with over 6,000 members of the public and awarded 16 public art commissions.
For more information, visit, email, or call (905) 546-2424 ext. 6281.
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