Hamilton recently unveiled a new wheelchair accessible swing at William Connell Park. The new swing can support a full wheelchair with ramp access and a swinging platform, in a continued effort to r...
Read MoreEnsuring wheelchair users can also enjoy parts of the playground at Hamilton parks, a new wheelchair accessible swing has opened at Heritage Green Sports Park. Located at 255 First Road West in Ston...
Read MoreA unique and deeply important new library is getting ready to open its doors here in Hamilton; but it’s not the kind you can borrow books from. This new library will loan out wheelchairs, crutches, ...
Read MoreThe City of Burlington has made steps to making popular summer spots more accessible. Mobi mats were added along the sand in Beachway Park as well as a city concrete ramp in order to make it more of...
Read MoreIn a small but valuable step towards making Hamilton’s recreational amenities more accessible, the city has acquired a special accessibility mat for use at Hamilton’s lakefront beaches so wheelcha...
Read MoreIn a fantastic milestone for accessibility in Hamilton’s recreation facilities, the city has just built a new wheelchair swing in the playground facilities at Gage Park. This swing, built as a playg...
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