Hamilton-based Hub of the Hammer is marking one-year of no in-person events by reinventing itself and its approach to fun group events. The trivia, games, and comedy focused event management company i...
Read MoreBy Ryan Moran, Illustrations by Joel Moran I’ve always loved the idea of creating stories of, about, or in a city. A city’s mythos, so to speak. Clearly, every city has its stories, but I’ve alw...
Read MoreDefensive and dusty career politicians are about to get voted in again It’s election time, it’s down to the wire, nose to the grindstone, roll-up-your-sleeves, kiss babies, make bold claims of “...
Read MoreItineraries for a Classic Hamilton Summer Talking to a friend a few days ago, we were remarking on how it feels recently like there is something cool to do every weekend in Hamilton. Whether it was th...
Read MoreSaturday, June 23rd at Tim Hortons Field There is a classic Hamilton tale about the legendary Pink Floyd concert that “broke” Ivor Wynne Stadium. Broke, in the sense that it was so massive that la...
Read MoreImagine a Hamilton superhero school that functioned like a day-camp for children Superhero movies aren’t going anywhere. Notwithstanding how happy I am about this, it might be worthwhile to broa...
Read MoreHamilton city council’s long-term incumbents The clichéd definition of insanity, often applied to politics, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Notwithstanding le...
Read MoreA complimentary healing practice Walking into Pearl’s apartment I was greeted with the question of “would I like some tea?” Pearl Mendonça, an independent Reiki master and practitioner in Hamil...
Read MoreThe following was first published by Hamilton design firm, factor[e] design initiative, as part of a holiday-giving campaign in 2012. The short book, illustrated by Chelsea Peters, edited and laid out...
Read MoreDepending on your experience with Ti-Cat games and City Council meetings, it may not be hard to imagine Hamiltonians frothing at the mouth, clamoring for blood.
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