Almost 20 per cent of collisions in Hamilton are the result of distracted driving, according to a new report.
The city has released its 2021 Annual Collision Report, which indicates that the factor of distracted driving accounts for 19.1 per cent of injury and fatal collisions between 2017 and 2021.
“Distracted driving is a concerning trend and has become the leading cause of death on Ontario roads, ranking 15.2 per cent higher than impairment,” reads a release from the city.
Distracted driving is the leading factor in fatal and injury collisions in #HamOnt and across the province. The City and Hamilton Police Service are coordinating enforcement and education efforts to remind drivers to keep their focus on the road.
— City of Hamilton (@cityofhamilton) August 10, 2022
The city and the Hamilton Police Services will continue their efforts to educate and enforce while reminding drivers about the importance of maintaining focus while behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Local motorists are encouraged to do their part with simple actions such as setting playlists, podcasts, or GPS before beginning a journey; reviewing directions to the destination in advance; avoid eating or drinking while driving; ensure Bluetooth is properly connected before driving; and refraining from texting or checking social media while operating a vehicle.
“These last few months have shown us how important it is for drivers to be focused on the road and their surrounding environment,” said Chief Frank Bergen of the Hamilton Police Services.
“Being distracted when driving can mean the difference between someone getting to their destination safely and a missing seat at the dinner table. Hamilton Police continue to focus on curbing driving behaviours like using a cell phone when driving, speeding and aggressive driving but we need everyone to do their part.”
Read the full release here.
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