Schools in Hamilton’s public and Catholic boards will be closed on the day of the solar eclipse.
Both the HWDSB and HWCDSB have announced adjustments to their school year calendars, moving their respective Personal Activity (PA) Days to Monday, April 8th.
The move comes out of safety concerns, particularly with the timing of the solar eclipse lining up with the dismissal times for elementary and secondary schools in Hamilton.
Hamilton’s public school board @HWDSB is joining many other Ontario school boards in switching a staff professional activity day to April 8, when a solar eclipse is expected to completely darken the city for nearly two minutes in the midafternoon.
— Hamilton Spectator (@TheSpec) January 31, 2024
Looking directly at the sun during the solar eclipse without proper protection can cause serious health issues including eye damage. The total eclipse, which is expected to occur at around 3:20 pm, will create a period of increased darkness that may also carry safety risks.
Those who want to view the exciting eclipse safely can still claim a pair of solar glasses for free through Hamilton Public Library branches using their library card, thanks to a large purchase of over 600,000 solar glasses by McMaster University.
See more here.
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